The official website for the Southwest Harbor & Tremont Chamber of Commerce

Marine Services

Compass Marine Surveys, Inc   

Dysart's Great Harbor Marina   
We offer cruising guests to Acadia National Park superb shoreside service facilities, local Maine flavor, and stunning views. A vibrant history of a working sardine facility that the present family owners converted into a marina in 1990. A dock master and line handling crew full of local knowledge, the marina's staff takes pride in ensuring every guest has the best possible stay.
When open: year round  
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The Hinckley Company   

Bowden Marine Service   
A year-round,full service marine dealer specializing in Sales,Service and Storage of outboard power boats. Authorized dealer for Boston Whaler 11'to 42', A-B Inflatables, Mercury and Yamaha outboards and E-Z Loader trailers.Since 1982.
When open: M-F 8am-5pm. Also, May 1 to Columbus Day, Sat 9am-noon  
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PO Box 1143, Southwest Harbor ME 04679
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