The official website for the Southwest Harbor & Tremont Chamber of Commerce

Historical Societies

Great Cranberry Island Historical Society   
The Great Cranberry Island Historical Society (GCIHS) collects, preserves and studies the history and genealogy of Great Cranberry and its neighboring islands, and presents diverse cultural and educational programs.The GCIHS promotes a strong sense of community through its museum, archives, cafe, shops, and lively arts center in the Cranberry House.
When open: Memorial Day thru Columbus Day 10:00-4:00  
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Mount Desert Island Historical Society   

Southwest Harbor Historical Society   
Dedicated to the preservation, documentation, and presentation of the history of the Town of Southwest Harbor since, and prior to incorporation as a Town in 1905.
When open: Open: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 1-3PM and 2nd & 4th Saturdays 1-3PM  
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Tremont Historical Society   
Programs of historical interest are presented at monthly meetings during the summer, which are at 7 P.M. on the fourth Monday of each month at the Bass Harbor Memorial Library. The Country Store Museum is open MWF 1-4 July - Columbus Day.
When open: Fridays July 10 thru September 25 by appointment only  
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Related pages: Museums, Galleries and Studios

PO Box 1143, Southwest Harbor ME 04679
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